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Thomas Samuel Kuhn (1922-1996)

  • Birth

    Thomas Samuel Kuhn was born in Cincinnati, Ohio in the United States.
  • War Work

    After graduating from Harvard, Kuhn joined the Radio Research Laboratory's theoretical group, where he aided in devising countermeasures against axis powers radars. He was soon sent to work in the UK, and traveled and worked with the Royal Air Force to study German radar installations.
  • First Publication

    Kuhn publishes his first book titled "The Copernican Revolution".
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

    Kuhn's second book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, was groundbreaking in the making of his name. His concept that scientific thought and research was defined by these "paradigms". This had been in his mind when reviewing Aristotle's work, and how the framework of science in which he worked was different than the framework Kuhn was working within. The explanation that eventually scientific efforts may generate insoluble theories or. This causes a crisis that generates an intellectual re
  • Death

    Thomas Kuhn dies at the age of 73 in Cambridge, Massachusetts.