Thomas kuhn

Thomas S. Kuhn

  • Thomas S. Kuhn (July 18, 1922)

    Thomas Kuhn was an American professor. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio to Jewish parents Minette Stroock Kuhn and Samuel L Kuhn, an industrial Engineer. Educated at Lincoln school a private progressive school in Manhattan from Kindergarten through fifth grade. From sixth through ninth grade moved to Hessian Hills School where Kuhn found a love for mathematics. Left Hessian Hills in 1937 and graduated from The Taft School in Watertown, Connecticut, in 1940. (Britanica)
  • Kuhn"s life as a professor

    Kuhn"s life as a professor
    Kuhn earned his bachelor's degree in 1943 and masters in 1946 in physics then obtaining his Ph.D. in 1949 in history of science at Harvard University. After he taught philosophy of science at Harvard from 1951-1956. University of California at Berkeley 1956-64. Princeton University 1964-79. MIT 1979-91. (Britannica)
  • Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"

    Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"
    In Kuhn's book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Kuhn argued that scientific research and thought are defined by paradigms, that consist of formal theories, experiments, and trusted methods. Scientists use these methods refining theories, explaining data, and establishing precise measures of standards. These efforts may generate problems or anomalies that expose inadequacies and contradict the theory all together. (Britannica)
  • Kuhn's Death

    Kuhn's Death
    Thomas Kuhn's theory of scientific revolution became a landmark of 20th century intellectual history. Kuhn died in his home at the age of 73. Kuhn influenced not only the scientific community but also economists, historians, sociologists and philosophers.
  • Kuhn's Work

    The Copernican Revolution (1957)
    The Structure of Scientific Revolution (1962)
  • References and Sources

    Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Thomas S. Kuhn". Encyclopedia Britannica, 14 Jul. 2023, Accessed 9 December 2023. Bird, Alexander, "Thomas Kuhn", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2022 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =