Thomas kuhn

Thomas S. Kuhn

By RicoL
  • Birth

    On July 18, 1922 Thomas Samuel Kuhn was born to Samuel L. Kuhn and Minette Stroock Kuhn in Cincinnati, Ohio. However, he would not live in Ohio for too much longer as his family moved to New York just months after the birth of Thomas. He had just one younger brother.
  • Summer of 1943

    Summer of 1943
    One thing that a lot of people might not know of this physicist is that he actually actively participated in World War 2. Thomas Kuhn along with a group of other professionals used counter radar technology to devise countermeasures against enemy radar technology. By doing this, Kuhn then became exempt from the draft and would not have to serve in the armed forces.
  • "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"

    "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"
    “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” is a book written by Thomas Kuhn and published in 1962. This book is significant in the explanation of the “Paradigm Shift.” This is an idea that states that a revolution of the perspective of any given idea is the reason for the most significant changes. For example, the outlook on petroleum powered products is changing due to the overwhelming fact that they are adversely affecting the environment.
  • Death

    John Kuhn’s death was not something that caught anyone off guard as I’m sure Kuhn knew it was a matter of time. He was ill for almost 2 years leading up to his death. His ultimate cause of death was the progression of lung cancer. Thomas Samuel Kuhn died on June 17, 1996 in Cambridge Massachusetts