Thomas Kuhn-Timeline

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    Life and Death

    "Thomas Samuel Kuhn, (born July 18, 1922, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.-died June 17, 1996, Cambridge, Mass.)" (Britannica, 2020) The philosopher who coined the phrase 'paradigm shift' played a large role in how science progression is achieved. Through his many years as a college professor, and his several published works Kuhn created a legacy for himself that will never be forgotten.
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    University Studies

    "Kuhn earned his bachelor's (1943) and master's (1946) degrees in physics at Harvard University but obtained his Ph.D. (1949) there in the history of science." (Britannica, 2020)
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    University Professor

    Shortly after completing his Ph.D. "he taught the history of philosophy of science at Harvard (1951-56), the University of California at Berkeley (1956-64), Princeton University (1964-79), and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1979-91)." (Britannica, 2020). Shortly after completing his Ph.D. in physics, Kuhn began his 40-year career as a professor. During this period Kuhn wrote several books that would continue to impact science throughout history.
  • Structure of Scientific Revolutions

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is considered to be one of the most influential works in modern history. Kuhn explains the importance of a paradigm shift in furthering scientific findings. In his book Kuhn challenged the way scientific research was conducted and helped "inspires new standards of evidence, new research techniques, and new pathways of theory and experiment that are radically incommensurate with the old ones." (Britannica, 2020)
  • Bibliography

    “Thomas Kuhn: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.”, 27 May 2020,
    The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, n/a. “Thomas S. Kuhn.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 14 July 2020,
    Bird, Alexander. “Thomas Kuhn.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 31 Oct. 2018,
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Explained

  • Bibliography cont.

    Shapere, Dudley. “THE STRUCTURE OF SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTIONS.” Duke University Press, 1964,