Thomas Kuhn Timeline

By jdry1
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    The Life of Thomas Kuhn

    Thomas Kuhn was born July 18th, 1922, in Cincinnati, OH.
    Kuhn was a influential philosopher of science during the twentieth century. He studied at Harvard and completed his Bachelors, Masters, and obtained his Ph.D.His most known work was "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions."
    He died from lung cancer on June 17th, 1996, in Cambridge, MA.
  • "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"

    In 1962 Kuhn had his work titled "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" published by University of Chicago Press. It was in this work that Kuhn explains that the trajectory of science is not linear, it is rather the opposite and called them "paradigm shifts." Through these shifts Kuhn describes them as going through five phases. He is also noted as describing these shifts as a good thing for science as they can be seen as progress.
  • The Revolution Begins

    After Kuhn had his work published, it started slow but got the attention of the science community. It wasn't until around 1987 when his book had sold over 650,000 copies and started spreading his ideology across the science community changing the way we viewed science. A large part of Kuhn's work emphasized paradigm shifts and the importance of the normal science phase of each shift.
  • Youtube Video of Kuhn's Work Explained

    Below you will find a short video that explains the work of Kuhn. “Thomas Kuhn: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.” YouTube, uploaded by Name of Then & Now, 27 May 2020,