
Thomas Kuhn: Science's Most Influential Philosopher (July 18th, 1922—June 17th, 1996)

  • Birth

    Thomas Samuel Kuhn is born in Cincinnati, Ohio. [1]
  • PhD in Physics

    Kuhn obtains his PhD in physics from Harvard University. [5]
  • Publication of "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"

    Publication of "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"
    Kuhn publishes his masterwork, "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions", in which he proposes there are two types of mature physical science—"normal science" and "extraordinary" or "revolutionary science". [2] This provided significant cultural and historical context for the progression of scientific knowledge. The periodic revolutions seen in science he called a "paradigm change", where the old worldview is usurped by the new. [3]
  • "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" Second Edition

    "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" Second Edition
    "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" second edition is published, in which Kuhn adds a postscript wherein he provides some clarification on the ambiguous notion of the paradigm, as well as explains his "different worlds" position in greater detail. [4] Thomas Kuhn Speaking About His Famous Book, "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"
  • Death

    Kuhn dies at his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts at 73 years of age. [5]