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Birth and Youth of Thomas Kuhn
On July 18th 1922, Thomas Kuhn was born in Cincinnati Ohio to affluent parents. Throughout his younger years he moved from private school to private school as his parents had great expectations of him. Thomas Kuhn enrolled into Harvard at the age of 18 to study physics. Initially, Thomas Kuhn struggled with the lessons but by the end of his freshmen year started earning A's in his studies. In 1943, Thomas Kuhn graduated with a BS in Physics summa cum laude with highest honor. -
The Copernican Revolution
Thomas Kuhn completes his first book, The Copernican Revolution. In this book Thomas Kuhn draws contrasts between belief, theory and observation as a prelude to scientific advancement and discovery. Additionally, Kuhn draws and details the evolution of ideas based on scientific freedom by advancing past scientific mechanisms that no longer function to new knowledge and theories. -
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
In 1962, Thomas Kuhn completes his second book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. This controversial book is what Thomas Kuhn is most known for and for the coining of the phrase "Paradigm Shift/Change". In this book Kuhn asserts the dramatic change to underlying methods and structures for science when too many camomiles are observed. This leads to a realization or breakthrough that shakes the very foundations of current scientific models to make way for new ideas and theories. -
Death of Thomas Kuhn
At the age of 73, Thomas Kuhn died of cancer. Suffering for approximately two years of throat and lung cancer he died in Cambridge, Massachusetts. -
Citations and Video about Thomas Kuhn
Bird, Alexander, "Thomas Kuhn", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2018 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2018/entries/thomas-kuhn/. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOGZEZ96ynI