Thomas kuhn

Thomas Kuhn (Jul 18, 1922 - Jun 17,1996)

By RobyCN
  • Born

    Thomas Samuel Kuhn was born on July 18, 1922, in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Studies

    Kuhn attended Harvard University, where he majored in Physics, receiving a Bachelor's and Master's by 1946. Although Kuhn completed his studies in Physics, he would later change his focus into the History and Philosophy of Science.
  • Junior Fellow

    In 1948, Kuhn became a Junior Fellow of the Harvard Society of Fellows, implementing three years of his life towards studying the history of science.
  • First Book

    First Book
    Kuhn published his first book: The Copernican Revolution.
  • Philosophy of Science

    Kuhn's biggest contribution to the Philosophy of Science was his book: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. In his book, he explained that the progression of science was not in a linear matter, but rather a cycle which led to revolutions and paradigm shifts. Kuhn explained his view of Paradigm Shifts starts with normal science, which is then followed by a crisis, and a scientific revolution leading to a new paradigm.
  • Contribution to Science and Other Fields

    Not only did Kuhn contribute to the Philosophy of science, but his implementation of the Paradigm Shift was also adopted by other fields, not just science, to help explain the changes that a field undergoes.
  • Death

    Kuhn died of cancer on June 17, 1996, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was 73 years old.