
Thomas Samuel Kuhn

  • Birth

    Kuhn was born in Cincinnati, Ohio in the United States on the 18th of July in 1922.
    Source: https://iep.utm.edu/kuhn-ts/
  • Period: to

    Thomas Samuel Kuhn

    Kuhn focused on paradigm shifts and how these shifts would cause a scientific revolution of sorts, leading scientists to focus on the new theory ex: before germ theory became prevalent, common theory was miasma theory which disease was spread mainly through bad air, as we know now it is an incomplete theory.
    Source: https://science.jrank.org/pages/3035/Germ-Theory.html
    Great video on Kuhn, https://youtu.be/L70T4pQv7P8
  • Bachleors

    Kuhn obtained his bachelors degree in physics from the University of Harvard.
  • Masters of Science

    Kuhn obtained his masters of science in physics from the University of Harvard.
  • PhD

    Kuhn obtained his PhD in Physics from the University of Harvard.
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
    In 1962 Kuhn released his book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions". This book goes over topics such as normal science which put simply is the science that in currently accepted, pseudoscience which is a science that isn't based on scientific theory and paradigm shifts which occur through a push from normal science after current science ends up having more unanswered questions. An example of a paradigm shift would be the accepted theory of creationism to natural selection.
  • Death

    Kuhn died at the age of 73 in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the United States on June 17th, 1996.
    Source: https://iep.utm.edu/kuhn-ts/