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    Thomas Kuhn

    Born ~ July 19, 1922
    Died ~ June 17, 1996
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    ~Born July 18, 1922 in Cincinnati, Ohio
    ~Graduated from Harvard summa cum laude in 1943
    ~Achieved his master's degree in physics in 1946
    ~Achieved his doctorate in physics in 1949
    ~Elected to the prestigious Society of Fellows at Harvard (W.V. Quine was also a member)
    ~moved and became a part-time professor in History of Science at University of California at Berkeley in 1956
    ~Published his first book, "The Copernican Revolution" in 1957
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    Biography cont.

    ~Became a full philosophy professor at the University of California at Berkeley in 1961
    ~"The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" (which included his famous theory of paradigm shifts) was published in 1962
    ~Left Berkeley to take up the position of M.Taylor Pyne Professor of Philosophy and History of Science at Princeton University in 1964
    ~The second edition of "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" (which included a clarified notion of the paradigm shift) in 1970
  • Paradigm Shift, Phase 1: Pre-Science

    ~refers to a period before a scientific agreement has been reached
    ~not well organized and not very effective
    ~supplies a model for further investigation
    ~many possible theories, but no commonly accepted observational basis
  • Paradigm Shift, Phase 3: Crisis

    ~where the paradigm shift occurs
    ~anomalies become more serious and crisis develops if the anomalies cannot be explained
    ~a special period when an existing paradigm has lost the interest of scientists
    ~the scientist may lose their confidence in their problem
    ~there will be several competing theories
    ~if the anomalies can be solved, the crisis is over; if not, there is a change of paradigm
  • Paradigm Shift Video

    "Thomas Kuhn: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"
  • Paradigm Shift, Phase 2: Normal Science

    ~puzzle-solving is much of the work done in normal science
    ~uses tools and concepts to describe, model, or create new phenomena
    ~trying to get a new case to fit into the framework provided by the paradigm
    ~a problem not yet solved, but that we believe has a solution
    ~problems that resist solutions are known as anomalies
    ~anomalies are allowed to and do not cause the rejection of a theory, scientists believe they can be explained over time
    ~normal science needs to be uncritical
  • Paradigm Shift, Phase 4: Revolution

    ~a new paradigm will be established
    ~this new paradigm explains the observations and tests
    ~this new paradigm is not the result of a logical compelling justification, but instead like a "conversion" phenomenon
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    Biography cont.

    ~The "Essential Tension" (a collection of Kuhn's essays) was published in 1977
    ~The "Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity" (concerning the early history of quantum mechanics) was published in 1978
    ~He was named Laurence S. Rockefeller Professor of Philosophy at MIT in 1983
    ~Died June 17, 1996 in Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Bibliography

    Peter Godfrey-Smith. 2003. "Theory and Reality : An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science." Science and Its Conceptual Foundations. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/login.aspxdirect=true&AuthType=ip&db=nlebk&AN=324622&site=ehost-live&scope=site. “Thomas Kuhn: The Structure of Scientific Revolution.” YouTube.com. Then & Now, May 27, 2020. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L70T4pQv7P8&t=6s.
  • Bibliography

    Bird, Alexander. “Thomas Kuhn.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford University, October 31, 2018. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/thomas-kuhn/. Mcleod, Saul. “Thomas Kuhn - Science as a Paradigm.” Thomas Kuhn Paradigm Shift | Simply Psychology, 2020. https://www.simplypsychology.org/Kuhn-Paradigm.html.