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Thomas Samuel Kuhn - Timeline 2

  • Born

    Thomas Samuel Kuhn was born in the city of Cincinatti, Ohio (famousscientists, 2017)
  • Earned PhD

    Earned PhD
    Thomas earned his PhD in physics from Harvard University. (Pajares, 2021) After graduating Kuhn took a position as an assistant professor at Harvard University (Pajares, 2021).
  • Guggenheim Fellow

    Guggenheim Fellow
    Kuhn was named as a Guggenheim fellow from the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation (Guggenheim, 2020) Kuhn's field of study was history of Science and technology (Guggenheim, 2020)). Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for individuals who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts(Guggenheim, 2020)
  • UC- Berkeley

    UC- Berkeley
    Kuhn took at post at the University of California-Berkeley (Pajares, 2021)
  • Full Professor

    Full Professor
    Kuhn became a full professor of history of science at USC- Berkeley (Pajares, 2021).
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
    Kuhn's book," The Structure of Scientific Revolutions " was published. Kuhn's concept of paradigm shifts and the Kuhn cycle are detailed in this book. Kuhn also argued, " that science is not a steady cumulative acquisition of knowledge. Instead, science is a series of peaceful interludes punctuated by intellectually violent revolutions" (thwink, 2014). Kuhn' changed the scientific community. the book sold 1 million copies in 16 languages (thwink, 2014).
  • Kuhn's Cycle

    Kuhn's Cycle
    According to thwink.org steps are:
    0 Prescience – Field has no workable paradigm to successfully guide its work.
    1 Normal science- the normal step, where the field has a scientifically based model of understanding (a paradigm) that works.
    2 Model Drift – The model of understanding starts to drift, due to the accumulation of anomalies, phenomenon the model cannot explain. See comment box for additional steps.
  • M Taylor Professor

    M Taylor Professor
    Kuhn was named M Taylor Professor of Philosophy and History of Science at Princeton University (Pajares, 2021).
  • Massachusetts institute of Technology (MIT)

    Massachusetts institute of Technology (MIT)
    Kuhn became a professor of Philosophy and History of Science at MIT(Pajares, 2021).
  • George Sarton Medal

    George Sarton Medal
    Kuhn received a George Sarton Medal in the History of Science (Pajares, 2021).
  • Lawrence S Rockefeller Professor of Philosophy

    Lawrence S Rockefeller Professor of Philosophy
    Kuhn was named Lawrence S. Rockefeller Professor of Philosophy at Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( Pajares, 2021)
  • Death

    Thomas Kuhn died at the age of 73 at his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts (Pajares, 2021).