Thomas Kuhn was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was born to his mother, Minette and his father, Samuel. He was raised in a strict Jewish household. -
'The Structure of Scientific Revolitions'
In 1962, Thomas Kuhn published his most notable work, 'The Structure of Scientific Revolution'. This book would become the most famous book about science written in the 21st century. -
George Sarton Medal
In 1982, Thomas Kuhn was awarded the 'George Sarton Medal' by the History of Science Society for his work on paradigm shifts. -
'Thomas Kuhn Paradigm Shift Award'
Thomas Kuhn was so notable for his work that an award was made in honor of his legacy. This award was 'Thomas Kuhn Paradigm Shift Award'. -
In 1994, Thomas Kuhn was diagnosed with lung cancer. In 1996 he died.