Thomas kuhn

Thomas Kuhn

  • Kuhn's Birth

    Kuhn's Birth
    Thomas Kuhn was born July 18th in 1922. Thomas Kuhns father, Samual Louis Kuhn, was a brilliant man. He was able to graduate in both Harvard and MIT. As for his mother, she graduated from Vassar College while also being a heir to a wealthy New York Family.
  • The Copernican Revolution

    The Copernican Revolution
    After Kuhn finished his PHD in Physics at Harvard and becoming a member at the Society of Fellows at Harvard due to his thesis on the Cohesive Energy of Monovalent Metals as a Function of Atomic Quantium Defects, he focused into Aristotle's work. Aristotle's work influenced Thomas to study the the history of science further. Thomas then wrote a book called "The Copernican Revolution." The book concentrated on the theory of the solar system during the Renaissance.
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
    Shortly after Thomas Kuhn was promoted to being a professor in the history of science, he began to write yet another book titled, "Normal Science." In this book he talks about how paradigms defining your thoughts and scientific research. He also states four different stages of science. Stage one being called Pre-Paradigmatic phase, two being Normal Science, the third called Crisis, and the last being named Scientific Revolution.
  • Kuhn's death

    Kuhn's death
    Before Thomas Kuhn's death on the seventeenth of June in 1996, Kuhn was able to write a collection of essays titled, "The Essential Tension", "The technical study of the Black-Body Theory", and "The Quantum Discontinuity." Sadly Thomas Kuhn was diagnosed with lung caner in 1994 and died from it shortly after. He died in his home that was located in Massachusetts.