
Thomas Kuhn

  • Birth

    Thomas Kuhn was born on July 18, 1922.
  • First official book

    First official book
    In 1957, Kuhn published his first book called "The Copernican Revolution" after returning to the study of the history of astronomy for only a year. Kuhn, Thomas S. The Copernican Revolution. MJF Books, 1997.
  • Became Professor

    Became Professor
    In 1957, Kuhn became a full-time professor at the University of California at Berkeley.
  • "Structure of Scientific Revolutions" Draft

    In 1962, Kuhn collaborated with Paul Feyerabend to create a draft of "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions". This was published in the 1962 series of “International Encyclopedia of Unified Science”. This work strongly analyzed and broke down the term "paradigm", its meaning in science, and the history of science. Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. The University of Chicago Press, 2015.
  • Kuhn left Berkeley

    Kuhn left Berkeley
    In 1964, Kuhn left the University of California at Berkeley and went to become a professor of Philosophy and History of Science at Princeton University.
  • "The Essential Tension"

    "The Essential Tension"
    In 1977, A collection of Kuhn's work on the Philosophy and history of science was published titled "The Essential Tension". The title came from an earlier essay in which he discussed the importance of tradition in science. Kuhn, Thomas S. The Essential Tension. University of Chicago Press, 1977.