Thomas Kuhn

  • Birth Date

    Thomas Kuhn was born in Cincinnati Ohio
  • Gaining degrees in science

    Kuhn earned three different degrees in the science world. Earning his Bachelors in 1943, Masters in 1946 both in physics, and his Ph.D in 1949 majoring in History of Science all at Harvard University.
  • First book

    Kuhn wrote his first book, The Copernican Revolution where he studied development of the Heliocentric Theory of the solar system during the Renaissance.
  • Kuhn's second book

    Kuhn wrote his second book, in this book he argued that scientific research and thought are defined by paradigms, or conceptual world views that consist of formal theories, classic experiments, and trusted methods.
  • Revolutionizing history

    Kuhn's book helped revolutionize the history and philosophy of science. His concept of paradigm shifts was extended to such disciplines as political science, economics, sociology, and even business management.
  • Continuing work in the field

    Although Kuhn didn't publish anymore books, he continued to write. He released a collection of essays named. The Essential Tension (1977), and a technical study Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity (1978)
  • Death Date

    Thomas Kuhn died in Cambridge Massachusetts