Thomas kuhn

Thomas Kuhn

  • Thomas Kuhn's Birth

    Thomas Kuhn's Birth
  • Graduates Taft School

    Graduates Taft School
  • Graduates Harvard with a BC degree in physics

    Graduates Harvard with a BC degree in physics
  • Obtains Masters Degree in physics from Harvord

    Obtains Masters Degree in physics from Harvord
  • Period: to

    Kuhn teaches at Harvard university

    Begins to teach history of science
  • Obtains Doctorate in physics from Harvard

    Obtains Doctorate in physics from Harvard
  • Awarded the Guggenheim Fellow

    Awarded the Guggenheim Fellow
    "Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for individuals who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts."
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolution

    The Structure of Scientific Revolution
    In this Khun introduces his famous term known as a paradigm shift. This term revolutionized how people saw a change in science in a community. This term has since become an English idiom.
  • Awarded the George Sarton medal by the history of science society

    Awarded the George Sarton medal by the history of science society
    The award is given annually since 1955 to an outstanding historian of science selected from the international scholarly community.
  • Thomas Kuhn's Death

  • Kuhns Contribution to Science

    Thomas Kuhn devoted his entire life to science. He had spent the majority of his life in a school either learning the science or teaching it. Thomas Kuhn is a pillar in the philosophies of science due to his great achievements such as his participation in the Lowell lectures to his significant advancements in the Copernican revolution. Khun would go on to write his famous book known as The Structure of Scientific Revolution where he enveloped the famous term known as a paradigm shift...
  • Kuhn's Contribution to Science

    The term paradigm shift alone revolutionized how scientific philosophies are seen and how they adapt or change. It allowed Kuhn to advance the Copernican revolution that he fought for in most of his late career. Kuhn challenged how the structure was composed in the scientific community by going from one subject to identifying the subject to accepting the subject creating an extraordinary science of its own. Scientific discipline was also a key point in Kuhn's legacy. Kuhn believed...
  • Kuhn's Contribution to Science cont pt2

    that the discipline of science begins with the identification of the subject and then continues on with the research and proof of said subject. Kuhn's book The Structure of Scientific Revolution has since been expanded on four different times until its most recent version that came out in 2012. Kuhn contributed his entire life to help the scientific community have a strong grasp of the structure and discipline in science which made him a pillar in the philosophies of science.
  • Works Cited

    “About the Fellowship.” John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, Person. “History of Science Society Awards Sarton Medal to John Murdoch.” Harvard Gazette, Harvard Gazette, 6 May 2019, “Thomas S Kuhn.” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy,