Thomas kuhn

Thomas Kuhn

  • Thomas Kuhn

    Thomas Kuhn was born in Cincinnati Ohio on July 18 1922.
  • Thomas Kuhn

    Thomas Kuhn graduated from Harvard University with a Bachelors of science degree in Physics in 1943. He later went on to receive his MS and Ph.D. in Physics by the year 1949.
  • Thomas Kuhn

    Kuhn went on to teach Philosophy of science at Harvard and later on went to teach at the University of California Berkeley. Kuhn interviewed and tape-recorded Danish physicist Niels Bohr the day before Bohr's death, at Berkeley. He soon went on to write his most famous work after that called The Structures of Scientific Revolutions.
  • Thomas Kuhn

    Here's a video on Thomas Kuhn Scientific Revolutions ://
  • Thomas Kuhn

    Kuhn is most well known for his theory of Paradigm shift's and how he believes science goes through revolutions. Thomas Kuhn died in Cambridge Massachusetts at the age of 73.
  • Work Cited

    Bird, A. (2018, October 31). Thomas Kuhn. Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from, H. -. (2017, October 19). Chapter 2.2: Thomas Kuhn, scientific revolutions. Retrieved from