Thomas kuhn

Thomas Kuhn (18 July 1922 to 17 June 1996)

  • Thomas Kuhn

    On July 18th, 1922, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Thomas Samuel Kuhn was born. His father, Samuel Louis Kuhn, was an industrial engineer, graduated both Harvard and MIT, as well as fought in World War 1. Thomas's mother was Minette Kuhn, she was a graduate of Vassar College and heir to a wealthy New York family.
  • Bachelor's Degree

    Kuhn earned bachelor's degree in 1943
  • Master's Degree and PhD

    Master's Degree and PhD
    Kuhn earned bachelor’s (1943) and master’s (1946) degrees in physics at Harvard University but obtained his Ph.D. (1949) there in the history of science.
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    Taught in Harvard

    He taught the history or philosophy of science at Harvard (1951–56), This is the same University that he had earned Bachelor to PhD
  • Book Published (The Copernican Revolution)

    Book Published (The Copernican Revolution)
    His first book, The Copernican Revolution (1957), Kuhn studied the development of the heliocentric theory of the solar system during the Renaissance.
  • Promoted to professor

    Berkeley promoted Kuhn to a full professor of History of Science. Interesting enough Famous Scientists states, "This actually infuriated him, because he wanted to be a professor of Philosophy. In the end, however, he agreed to accept the position in History."
  • Second Book (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions)

    Second Book (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions)
    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, he argued that scientific research and thought are defined by paradigms. This is his second book.
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    Essay Collection

    Kuhn’s later works were a collection of essays, The Essential Tension (1977), and the technical study Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity (1978).
  • Death

    On June 17, 1996, Thomas Kuhn died at the age of 73. He passed in his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts. he had been ill and battling cancer in his bronchial tubes and throat.