Thomas Kuhn was born in Cincinnati, Ohio -
Graduates Harvard University
Kuhn finishes Harvard with a Bachelors Degree in Physics -
Graduates with Masters Degree
Thomas Kuhn finished up his masters degree in Physics at Harvard -
Doctorate Degree
Kuhn while still at Harvard University, received a Doctorate Degree in The History of Science. -
Starts teaching at Harvard
Kuhn starts teaching Philosophy of Science at Harvard Univerity -
The Copernican Revolution
Kuhn writes his book about studying Copernicus Heliocentric theory and how it impacted society during the Renaissance -
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Kuhn put into words his research of paradigms and paradigm shifts. This book was a wealth of knowledge for other scientists and their theories. Kuhn was on a roll in his discoveries of these paradigms. -
Retires from teaching.
Kuhn retired from teaching in 1991 and became an emeritus professor at MIT. -
Video Sources
Thomas Kuhn died on June 17, 1996 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, after suffering for two years from cancer of the throat and bronchial tubes.