Thomas kuhn

Thomas Kuhn

  • Thomas Kuhn Birth

    Thomas Kuhn was born on July 18th, 1922 in Cincinnati Ohio.
  • Thomas Kuhn Gaduates

    Thomas Kuhn Gaduates
    In 1943 Thomas Kuhn graduated summa cum laude from Harvard University. Following his schooling, he spent the remainder of the war researching radar technology.
  • Thomas Kuhn Becomes a Professor at Berkeley.

    Thomas Kuhn Becomes a Professor at Berkeley.
    Thomas Kuhn became a full-time professor at the University of California Berkeley. He would teach the history of science but in the philosophy department. This is where he developed his interest in the philosophy of science. One of his colleagues here was Stanley Cavell, who introduced him to the works of Wittgenstein, and Paul Feyerabend.
  • Thomas Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolution"

    Thomas Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolution"
    Thomas Kuhn and Paul Feyerabend discussed a draft version of the structure of scientific revolution. These discussions eventually led his work to be published in the series “International Encyclopedia of Unified Science”, edited by Otto Neurath and Rudolf Carnap. The main idea of this was that the development of science is driven, in normal periods of science, by adherence to what Kuhn called a ‘paradigm’. Here is a short video on what a paradigm is,
  • Thomas Kuhn moves to Princeton University

    Thomas Kuhn moves to Princeton University
    Kuhn left Berkeley to take up the position of M. Taylor Pyne Professor of Philosophy and History of Science at Princeton University.
  • The Second Edition of The Structure of Scientific Revolution

    The Second Edition of The Structure of Scientific Revolution
    In 1970, the second edition of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions was published, including an important postscript in which Kuhn clarified his notion of paradigm. This was in response to Masterman’s criticism that Kuhn's use of ‘paradigm’ was in a wide variety of ways; in addition, Kuhn felt that critics had failed to appreciate the emphasis he placed upon the idea of a paradigm as a model of puzzle-solving.
  • Thomas Kuhn's The Essential Tension

    Thomas Kuhn's The Essential Tension
    A collection of Kuhn's essays were published in 1977 that focused on the philosophy of science and history of science. This collection of work was called "The Essential Tension".
  • Thomas Kuhn's Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity

    Thomas Kuhn's Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity
    This monogram by Thomas Kuhn was concerning the early history of quantum mechanics.
  • Thomas Kuhn named Laurence S. Rockefeller Professor of Philosophy at MIT

    Thomas Kuhn named Laurence S. Rockefeller Professor of Philosophy at MIT
    In 1983 Kuhn was named Laurence S. Rockefeller Professor of Philosophy at MIT.
  • Thomas Kuhn Death

    Thomas Kuhn died on June 16th, 1996 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1994 Kuhn was diagnosed with lung cancer which likely caused his death.