Thomas Jefferson was Born
Shadwell Virginia -
Period: to
Thomas Jefferson went to college of William and Mary
Began Practicing Law
Monticello began Construction
Married Martha Wayles Skelton
Drafted Constitution While in the First Continental Congress
Later Ammended by Benjamin Franklin -
Entered the Virginia House of Delegates
Fought for Seperation of Church and State -
Became the Governer of Virginia
Discared second term after Virginia was invaded by the British in 1781 -
Elected to Congress
Appointed Minister to France
Replacing Benjamin Franklin -
Appointed Secratary of State
Resigned from Secratary of State Poisition
Elected Vice President
Vice to John Adams, his opponent -
Elected President of the United State of America
Made the Louisana Purchase
Re-Elected President
Sent Lewis and Clark to explore newly aquired Louisanna Purchase
Retired from Office
Retired to Monticello (in Virginia) -
Founded University of Virginia
Died at Monticello