Thomas Jefferson election
The ticket of Burr and Jefferson won more votes than that of Adams and Pickney so the choice of president would be given to the electors. The election between Burr and Jefferson ended in a ie so the House of Representitives chose to elect Jefferson after Alexander Hamilton campaigned for him. -
The Revolution of 1800
Barbary War
Ohio Admitted
Thomas Jefferson signs an act admitting Ohio into the Union and approved their boundarioes and constituton. -
Marbury Vs. Madison
Thomas Jefferson did not want to confirm the appointment of Marbury as a judge after John Adams attempted to appointment him after losing the election. The supreme court ruled that they could not force Jefferson to appoint Marbury and set up the precedent of judicial review. -
Louisana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson buys the Louisana Purchase form France and the emperor Napolean Bonaparte for 15 million dollars. He doubled the size of the United States with the purchase and defended it by saying it was bought under the executive power to make treaties. -
Louisana Purchase
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Thomas Jefferson charters the expedition which is eaded by his secretery Meriweather Lewis. The Expedition set out to explore the Louisiana Purchase however it actually went much farther than approved and mapped out a lot of the west. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Hamilton- Burr duel
Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, political rivals, participate in a duel which resulted in the death of Alexander Hamilton. -
Hamilton BUrr Duel
Jefferson second termm
Thomas Jefferson wins his second election over the federalsit Charles Pickney. The election was the first landslide in US history. George CLinton became vice president. -
British Seize the Essex
The British seize the US ship the essex, which had french carge, effectively ending the time when the Briitsh saw the US as a neutral nation. -
Aaron Burr captured
Aaron Burr, the former vice president and killer of Alexander Hamilton, is captured and tried for treason for trying to make the west secede. The narrow definition of treason resulted in Burr being acquitted. -
The Embargo Act
The Embargo Act is passed which prohibits trade with all other countries. This law was passed in an attempt to avoid war with Brittain and as an attempt to make Brittain and France rethink their strategy for dealing with America during the wa. -
Slave Importaion ended
The importation of slavs from forein nations is made illegal by congress. Every state outside of south carolina has already ended this practice. -
James Madison Elected
The Non-Intercourse Act
This act replaced the embargo act and opened up trade to all countries outside of Brittain and France. The Act also allows the President to open up trade with these countries if they stop seizing and taxing AMerican ships