Thomas Jefferson Presidency Events

By stefan1
  • Tripoli declares war on U.S

    Tripoli declares war on U.S
    Yusuf Karamini of Tripoli declares war on the U.S
  • Excise tax removed

    Excise tax removed
    Taxes on whiskey and other products removed
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Supreme Court rules on Marbury v. Madison. Establishes judicial review.
  • Spain re-opens New Orleans to U.S trade

    Spain re-opens New Orleans to U.S trade
    Spain opens N.O.L.A to U.S merchants
  • Louisiana Purchase bought by U.S

    Louisiana Purchase bought by U.S
    Louisiana purchase bought by U.S
  • Lewis & Clark Set off for the West

    Lewis & Clark Set off for the West
    Lewis & Clark began their expedition of the west.
  • Congress passes 12th amendment

    Amendment states that vp and president are voted on seperately. runner up is declared vp in the elections.
  • Alexander Hamilton Killed by dueling

    Alexander Hamilton Killed by dueling
    Alexander Hamilton killed by a duel with Aaron Burr
  • Thomas Jefferson Re-elected

    Jefferson Wins Re-election against Picknye
  • Peace with Tripoli

    U.S & Tripoli sign peace treaty ending the war
  • British Seize U.S Ships

    British justify the seizer of U.S ships with the Rule of 1756
  • Lewis and Clark Reach Pacific

    After a long journy of over 4.000 miles the expedition reaches the Pacific Ocean
  • Ban on British Goods

    Congress passes a law in retaliation to British seizer of American ships that bans the importation of a majority of British goods
  • Aaron Burr Arrested

    Aaron Burr arrested on conspiracy of treason in Alabama
  • Congress bans importation of Slaves

    Congress bans the importation of slaves into the U.S and its jurisdictions
  • Leopard Incident

    the British Ship Leopard fires on U.S ship Chesapeake in the Chesapeake Bay after refusing to be boarded
  • Order in Council passed by British

    Prevents neurtral countries from trading with France, except without tribute to Britain
  • Bayonne Decree

    Napoleon issues Bayonne Decree authorizing the seizer of American ships enter French and Italian ports