Thomas Jefferson

  • Birth

    Thomas Jefferson is born in Shadwell, Virginia.
  • Stamp Act

    This is the year that the Stamp act was put into effect. This was a tax on all paper products by the British on the American Colonies. This played a factor in the beginning of the American Revolution. economic events
  • Tea Party

    Although Jefferson had no direct correlation with the incident, The Boston Tea Party put a spark into the American Revolution for independence. social events
  • Lexington and Concord

    First battles of the American Revolution being fought between the British and the American revolutionists. diplomatic/military events
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    A very famous battle of the American Revolution. The battle was fought between the American colonies and Great Britain in Charlestown Massachusetts. diplomatic/military events
  • Second Continental Congress Delegate

    Thomas Jefferson takes the position of being the Virginia delegate for the Second Continental Congress.' political events
  • Flag

    Betsy Ross creates what will be know as the first American Flag. Her flag has been altered numerous times to have the American Flag we see fly in the United states today. social events
  • Independence for all

    Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence is accepted by Congress. social events
  • Governor

    On this date Thomas Jefferson took the position of governor over Virginia. Thomas Jefferson was the second governor of Virginia. political events
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris was signed on this bringing an official end to the Revolutionary War. diplomatic/military events
  • Virginia Delegate

    On this day Thomas Jefferson became part of the Congress of the Confederation. Thomas Jefferson was a delegate for the state of Virginia. political events
  • Notes on the State of Virginia

    Jefferson released a book entitled Notes on the State of Virginia. The book includes a variety of topics including economics, religion, slavery, and the overall state of Virginia. cultural/technological events
  • Ambassadeur

    On this date Thomas Jefferson became the second official ambassador to France. political events
  • Free Mind

    Thomas Jefferson's “Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom” was put into law in Virginia. Making citizens the freedom and protection of religion. social events
  • Secretary of state

    Thomas Jefferson takes the title of the first Secretary of State. Before Thomas Jefferson took the official title John Jay fulfilled the duties. political events
  • Vice

    On this date Thomas Jefferson started his role as the Vice President of the United States. The president at the time was John Adams. political events
  • 3rd President

    Thomas Jefferson is put into office holding the positon of presidincy. Thomas Jefferson is the 3rd United States president. political events
  • Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase was signed. Almost 530 million acres of land was bought for an estimated 4 cents an acre! cultural/technological events
  • Star Spangled Banner

    In this Year Francis Scott Key would write the lyrics, as a poem, of the star spangled banner. The lyrics would be played to music by John Smith. This would become the United States national anthem. social events
  • END

    Thomas Jefferson dies in his home state of Virgina.
  • $$$

    1928 is the first year that Thomas Jefforso is featured on the two dollar bill. economic events
  • $$

    1938 is the first year that Thomas Jefferson is feated on the United States Nickel. A Nickel is a United States currency in the form of coin worth five cents. economic events