
Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet

  • Birth

    Gallaudet was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Period: to

    Europe and Clerc

    Gallaudet traveled to Europe to find methods for teaching students who are deaf and discovered teachers in Paris who taught using FSL (French Sign Language). Gallaudet convinced Clerc (one of the teachers) to return to America to help him teach.
  • Inspired

    Gallaudet witnessed a young girl playing alone and he went to speak to her and discovered she was deaf. He was inspired to learn how to teach deaf students.
  • American School for the Deaf

    American School for the Deaf
    Gallaudet, with Clerc's help, opened the first American institution for the education of the deaf. Originally named "Connecticut Asylum (at Hartford) for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons".
  • Died

    Gaullaudet died and is buried in Hartford's Cedar Hill Cemetery.
  • Gallaudet University

    Gallaudet University
    Gallaudet University named after him.