He was born in Malmesbury, Wiltshire, England. -
Enters Magdalen Hall, Oxford where he studies scholastic philosophy with little enthusiasm but does well in logic. -
Receives bachelor's degree and becomes tutor to the son of William Cavendish. -
Publication of his English translation of Thucydides through which he intended to show the English the dangers of democracy. -
William Cavendish Death
William Cavendish dies and Hobbes becomes tutor for the son of Sir Gervase Clinton. -
Trip to Italy
Travels to Italy where he meets with Galileo. He develops his social philosophy on principles of geometry and natural science. -
Return to England
Returns to England where the king and parliament are in a heated struggle. -
Hobbes Circulates his manuscript Elements of Law -
Last Publication Befor Death
At the age of 86, publishes a translation of both the Iliad and the Odessey -
2nd Publication
Publication of De Cive and First Draught of 1646 the Optiques. Begins De Corpore, the first work in a trilogy on body, man and citizen.