Thomas Edward Lawrence -Early Life - The Go Between


    Thomas joined the Oxford University Officer Training Corps. Undergoing a two-year training course.
  • Period: to

    Lawrence's Early Life

  • Co-opted by British Army

    Co-opted by British Army
    Before the breakout of World War 1, Lawrance was co=opted by the Britsih Army to undertake a military survey of the Negev Desert while doing archaeological research.
  • Syria

    Lawrence composes Sryia: the Raw Material, a perceptive analysis of what was then known as Sryia in polotical, social, and religous terms. He wrote: " The only imposed governmatn that will find, in Moslem Syria, any really prepared groundwork or large body of adherents is a Sunni one, speaking Arabic, and pretending to revive the Abbasides or Ayubides.
  • Intelligence Department

    Intelligence Department
    The Intelligence Department began to issue daily Intelligence Bulletins for the edification of te=wenty-eight young generals. Lawrence's duties now included working on maps, examining aerial photographs, preparing Intelligence Bulletins, and interrogating prisoners.
  • Award

    Thomas ia awrded the French Legion d'Honneur for his work in the Cairo Intelligence office.
  • Battle

    The battle lasted until September 6 1917. Lawrence takes part in the battle at Fuweila and Aba el Lissan. The Arabs enter on approx. July 6th, Lawrence carries the news to the British. Therefore, the British assistance, Akaba is built up as a new Base for Feisal's rebel forces. It served as a centre for political propaganda, and the starting-point for raids into northern Syria.
  • Battle for Tafileh

    Battle for Tafileh
    This battle lasted until Februay 4, 1918. Lawrence take part in the battle for ATfileh then returns to Feisal's base at Gaweira for funds and advice.
  • Returns to Tafileh

    Returns to Tafileh
    February 5-18 1918 Lawrence returns to Tafileh with 30,000 sovereigns for the forthcoming campaigan in the area. He gives the funds to the Emirzeid, younger brother of Feisal and leader of the expedition, and leaves for a reconnaissance in the are east of the Dead Sea. In the absence of lawrence, Zeid's local advisers persuaded him to pay out all themoney to local tribes.
  • British Headquarters

    British Headquarters
    February 18-march 21, 1918
    lawrence, dismayed to find that his confidences in Zeid was miplaced, and lacking funds for further operations, travels to the advanced British headquarters. He is determined to hand in a resignation, but it is refused. For the next month he helps in preparations for a major arab offensive against Deraa.
  • Paris

    Lawrence arrives in Paris for a Peace Conference. While there he argues for Arab freedom in many private meetings with statesmen and journalists. He begins to write Seven Pillars of Wisdom.
  • National Hero

    National Hero
    the American Journalist Lowell Thomas begins giving popular lectures in London that will transform Lawrence into a national hero. The show is successful it opens at the Royal Opera House, The Royal Albert Hall, and evne The Queen's Hall.
  • Stolen

    Lawrence was traveling and switching trians when the bag that he was carrying was stolen. This bag contained his drasft of Seven Pillars. the manuscript was never recovered.
  • New Draft

    New Draft
    Lawrence cmpletes most of his new drafts of Seven Pillars in four weeks, working at the 14 barton Street.
  • Polished Drafts

    Polished Drafts
    Lawrence starts to work on polishing his drafts of the complete text of Seven Pillars. He also begins to make conatct with Artists willing to excute portraits for the book.
  • Takes Up Duties

    Takes Up Duties
    Lawrence was invited and takes up his duties at the Colonial Office. Hsi immediate task is to plan the agenda for the forth coming Cario Conference.
  • Printing

    Lawrence begins scert negotiations to enlist in the ranks of the RaAF under an asuumed name. Later in the month he begins sending chapters or the Seven Pillars to the printers un-numbered and in random order, to prevent anyone but himself from assenbling the text.
  • Acceped

    Even though Lawrence failed his medical exam for the RAF, he was still acceptef on orders from the Air Ministry. While in basic training for three months he makes notes for the project book about life in yhe ranks.
  • Acceped Again

    Acceped Again
    Lawrence is accepted into the tnks Corps as a private hoping to transfer back to the RAF.
  • Depression

    Lawrence spent most of 1924 in a state of depression. He felt he was failing as a writer and overwork, the pressumes of life in the Tanks Corps.
  • Hope

    The new conservation Air Minister appears willing to transfer Lawrence back to the RAFand Lawrence's hopes are raised. Also by this time , slow progress and increasing costs have put the subscribes' Seven Pillars far over budget.