Thomas Edison & inventions

  • Invention of Electric pen

    First electric motor driven appliance sold in the U.S. It was the predecessor to the modern copy machine
  • Carbon Button Transmitter

    After Alexander Graham bell invented the telephone. Edison invented the transmitter which improved the sound quality and range of bell’s telephone.
  • First Practical Light Bulb

    Edison tested over 1600 different materials until he found the right one to make a light in a bulb that was are inside a house.
  • First Commerical Power Station

    Edison knew he needed electricity to supply his light bulbs, so they made Pearl Street power station in NY.
  • Kinetograph & Kinetoscope

    Edison and his team invented a patent for the Kinetograph, which was the first picture camera motion and the Kinetoscope was for the viewer to watch.
  • First Motion Picture

    Edison set up the first motion picture studio. The studio sat on a moveable structure placed on rails so it made it possible to turn. These features allowed for them to get the natural light to record.
  • First Talking motion picture

    Edison invented the equipment and procedure needed to produce the first talking motion picture.
  • Phonograph - Recording sound

    First to record and play back sound