Thomas Edison's birth
Thomas Edison was born on 11th Februyary 1847 in Milan, Ohio, USA. -
Period: to
Thomas Edison
mechanical inventory of votes
Edison designed a simple instrument for the mechanical inventory of votes in 1868 -
The phonograph was the most common device to reproduce sounds recorded from the decade of 1870 up to the decade of 1880. The phonograph was invented by Thomas Alva Edison. -
The phonograph
Incandescent lamp
Thomas Alva Edison was the first one in patenting an incandescent bulb of filament of carbon, viable out of the laboratories, that is to say, commercial viable.2 3 patented It on January 27, 1880 -
Alkaline batteries
Electrical chair
el kinetoscopio
A machine of dictation
The most direct precedent of the cinema of the brothers Lumière -
The first machine of cinema
He died aged 84 in West Orange, New Jersey, U.S.