Thomas edison was born in the year 1847
In the year 1847 Thomas Edison was born and he died in the year 1931. -
In the year 1862 THomas Edison invented morse code.
In the year 1869 Thomas Edison went out and got the mail every morning and put telegrams and magazines in the mail bot to be published.
High finance meets technology when Edison creates a revolutionary communications tool.
Edison creates an ''idea factory'' where he and his assistants can invent without restraint.
Alexander Graham Bell's good idea becomes practical reality when a better inventor steps in.
The recording business gets it first star when Edison invents the technology behind it.
Let there be light! Edison astonishes the world by turning night into day.
The first large-scale public electrical system is a display of Edison's genius.
A battle with a rival inventor leads Edison down an unfortunate and regettable path.
Edison proves hmself master of all media with a new invention that fascinates and awes the public.
Thomas Edison died in the year 1931
At the request of the president of the United States, the nation remembers Edison's life in a special way.