Thomas edison

Thomas Edison

  • Thomas Edison is born

    Thomas Edison is born
    Thmas edison was born on February 11, 1847. He was born in Milan, Ohio. His parents were Samuel Edison and Nancy Elliot Edison.
    (World Book Inc. 42)
  • Edison Leaves School

    Edison Leaves School
    Thomas Edison officialy leaves school in 1859. When he was still in public school his mother had pulled him out because she overheard his teacher saying he was exceptionally dumb. He then proceeded to leave the idea of school all together when he was 12 years so he could work on the railroad. The route was between Detroit and Port Huron, where his family lived.
    (Moss 160) (Wilson 160) (
  • Recieved His First Patent

    Recieved His First Patent
    Edison recieved his first patent in 1868 for a vote recorder. He decided to invent it to try and help speed up the process for legislatures. Unfortunately the invention was not a success and didn't gain profit. Edison decided after it was a failure he would never invent something that people didnt want.
    (World Book Inc. 42-43)
  • Edison Marries Stilwell

    Edison Marries Stilwell
    In 1871 Edison married Mary Stilwell. Although his commitment seemed rather weak because of his pattern of working. In fact within an hour after the wedding he was working again. He and Mary also raised three kids together.
    (Moss 163) (Wilson 163)
  • Edison Invents Phonograph

    Edison Invents Phonograph
    In 1877 Edison invented the phonograph, it records and plays back messages sent over the telephone and telegraph. The first thing that was ever played on his phonograph was a recording of "Mary Had a Little Lamb". He toured the U.S with the phonograph including a visit with President Rutherford B. Hayes at the White House. This invention brought Edison worldwide fame.
    (World Book Inc. 42) (Heyn 123)
  • Edison Starts Improving the Light Bulb

    Edison Starts Improving the Light Bulb
    In 1878 Edison started improving the light bulb hoping to find a safe and inexpensive to make them and have them work affectlively. To move along and help his research he opened up the Edison Electric Company. He soon made the discovery that carbonized bamboo is the best and most affective way to make a light bulb, as well. He eventually developed one that would glow for 1500 hours.
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  • Edison's Wife Dies and Remarries

    Edison's Wife Dies and Remarries
    In 1844 Edisons wife Mary dies of typhoid disease. Mina Miller made a name for herself in the education field. He later married Mina Miller. At this point Edison was mostly deaf so he taught her the morse code, so they could still talk to eachother by tapping out messages on eachothers hands.

    (Moss 167) (Wilson 167)
  • Yosemite National Park Established

    Yosemite National Park Established
    On October 1, 1890 Yosemite National Park was established in California's Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. It became America's third National Park and is about the size of Rhode Island. President Benjamin Harrison signed into law that the 1,500 square miles would be set aside for Yosemite National Park.
  • Edison Profits From the Sale of Electric Company

    Edison Profits From the Sale of Electric Company
    In 1892 he sold his company to General Electric because he wasnt profiting from any of his inventions. The company continued to build into one of the largest and most effective industrial laboratories after Edison sold it. From the four million dollars he earned from the sale he put it towards new ideas and inventions.

    (Moss 167) (Wilson 167)
  • Edison Patents the Kinetograph

    Edison Patents the Kinetograph
    On August 31, 1897 Thomas Edison recieved a patent for his latest invention the kinetograph. The kinetograph is like a movie camera, it records images and plays back as a motion picture. This invention helped inspire two french scientists to develop amovie camera and projector. His first film was of him and three of his coworkers pretending to be blacksmiths.
  • Boer War begins in South Africa

    Boer War begins in South Africa
    On October 11, 1899 the Boer War begins in South Africa due to the long history between the British and the Boers of Transvaal and Orange Free State. The Boers and the British were going through a peaceful time when gold and diamonds were found in there region which was the main reason for the war to begin. Minor fighting began in the 1890's but the full fledged war didn't start until October 1899.
  • Galveston Hurricane

    Galveston Hurricane
    On September 8, 1900 a category 4 hurricane swept through the city of Galveston, Texas. It was estimated that a total of 6,000 to 8,000 people died from it. This natural disaster is still considered the worst weather related disaster in the United States in terms of casualties. Eventually a wall was built to prevent flooding in Galveston.

  • World War I Erupts In Europe

    World War I Erupts In Europe
    On August 1, 1914 World War I erupted in Europe due to the declaration of war amongst four countries, which include Austria, Hungary, Russia and Germany. The reason why these declarations of war occurred was because of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, the heir of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. By the end of the war there were over twenty million people killed of many nationalities and saw no lead for victory in the future.
  • The Christmas Truce

    The Christmas Truce
    On December 25, 1914 most German troops ceased fire in celebration of Christmas Day. They even started singing Christmas carols and some of the Russians, French, and British recalled hearing brassed bands joining there singing. The germans and there enemies came together and exchanged presents of cigarettes. There was even a documented case of them playing a game of soccer.
  • Irish Free State Declared

    Irish Free State Declared
    On December 6, 1921 four-fifths of Ireland was declared independent from Britain. Ireland was still supposed to remain part of the British Commonwealth but they cut their relationship with Britain completely and was renamed Éire, now known as the Republic of Ireland. It was long over due, because Ireland was ruled by Britain since the 12th century.
  • Thomas Edison dies

    Thomas Edison dies
    Thomas Edison died on October 18, 1931. He died in Llewellyn, New Jersey. The cause of his death was complications due to diabetes.
    (World Book Inc. 42-43)