
The life of Crystell Aiko Roque

  • My born day

    This is the time that my mom gave birth and I am the result of that. That day was the start of my existence.
  • My happiness

    My happiness
    This picture was taken when I was 7 years old, this is the time when my mom took a picture of my sibling with me and her.
  • Christmas vacation

    Christmas vacation
    This event is at Baguio City, every christmas day we are visiting my cousins there and this event was so unforgettable because as far as I know this is the last time that I saw them.
  • My grade 6 competition

    My grade 6 competition
    This is a competition that I joined when I was GRADE 6. This is one of my most unforgettable competition because even though we did not get the first place still my mom is their to support me and tell me that we are the first place at their hearts.
  • Recognition Day

    Recognition Day
    This event is when I was Grade 7, and this is the first time that I got a First place in our class. This is very special day for me because this is a good result of my challenges when I first entered high school.
  • Rainy feels

    Rainy feels
    This is my family and we we're so happy when the rain started to fell down at this time. In here we just enjoyed every moment
  • Reunion day

    Reunion day
    This is the first reunion of the family Roque and we just enjoyed everything.
  • hang out

    hang out
    This day is a special day because I've been with the two special Girl of my life and this was so unforgettable. Those person are always their for me.
  • CLRAA life

    CLRAA life
    This event of my life was so unforgettable because this is the time that I competed for my home town. I am an Arnis player and because of my willingness to win I DID MY BEST .
  • Graduation Day

    Graduation Day
    This event is my high school graduation and I got a lot of awards. Everything in my high school journey was so worth it.
  • first christmas party in my senior high school life.

    first christmas party in my senior high school life.
    This is my first christmas party in my senior high school life and those people around me brings big part of my life.
  • Recognition day

    Recognition day
    This is one of my most unforgettable moment because at last I got an honor from my grade 11 class.
  • seniors night

    seniors night
    This is our Seniors night and this night was a great one because
    I became a princess for just one night
  • Family Reunion

    Family Reunion
    This special day of my family is our first reunion for the year 2018. we are celebrating this event every january 1 and we are so blessed to celebrate this with my whole family.

    Those person are my friends who always makes me crazy because of their trips. those moments with them was treasurable.
  • My leadership journey

    My leadership journey
    This event is the start of my journey for being one of the student leader in my alma matter. This is a debate where in we shared our knowledge.