This is my crazy or insane life

  • my birth

    my birth
    I was born on December 18, in Venezuela, my date of birth was scheduled for the 17th but because my mother had complications it was delayed to that day.
  • my first presentation in preschool

    my first presentation in preschool
    That day I was getting ready very carefully to be able to do a good presentation I was very nervous I was also very happy to have my mom and dad in my first dance performance in front of one of my elementary school when I was in preschool
  • my elementary school graduation

    my elementary school graduation
    It was a day full of emotions for me since it meant the end of 9 years studying at my school, that day while I was saying my farewell words I cried, took photos with my classmates, then we shared.
  • my arrival in colombia

    my arrival in colombia
    I left my country Venezuela, on December 26 I arrived in Barrancabermeja on December 27, it took me 12 hours to get from Cúcuta to the city since there were many traffic jams; After my arrival I spoke with my relatives and I began to live with my grandmother until now.
  • my first certificate in Colombia

    my first certificate in Colombia
    It was a certificate that I received studying virtually, this course focused on waste separation.
  • participate in "niñas con energía"

    participate in "niñas con energía"
    was a program aimed at creating a project based on objectives such as saving energy, in this project I met girls from Mexico, I did not win, but I had fun.
  • trip to Bucaramanga to represent the school, with the seedbed

    trip to Bucaramanga to represent the school, with the seedbed
    That day we left Barrancabermeja at 4 AM, we arrived in the city at 7, they gave us an introduction and then we had to present the project, that day I had a lot of fun I met guys from many parts and very interesting projects
  • received recognition from a minister

    received recognition from a minister
    Since Friday, February 3, I heard the news of the possibility of being recognized, then on Monday, February 6, the news was confirmed. Thanks to this, I met a minister and talked with him about the seedbed project and my dreams.
  • I got accepted on the she-is show

    I got accepted on the she-is show
    That day I received the news through my email, after doing many interviews and I felt very happy to the point of talking about it with my mother.
  • get involved in science clubs

    get involved in science clubs
    I started from April 17 to see food sovereignty classes until April 22, in that I learned a lot about food sovereignty, how to make orange peel cookies, I met many kids from other schools in the city