Sep 21, 1440
Printing press
The printing press was introduced to the west by the holy roman empire in 1440 . This really changed the way of communtcation for ever. -
Town criers
Town criers also kkown as the hear ye guys were used as the main way to get news in the 17th century since many people could not read or write -
billboard advertising
billboard advertisings roots can be traced back to cave paintings . the first billboard as we know it was used by circuses -
The phongraph was the first recording device . The phonograph used cylendrs to record and replay sound. Some of the original uses of the phonograph where ; using them as a way for blind people to hear books, a way to pereserve the dying last words of a family member and of course ..... music -
morse code
The first morse code station was set up by Guglielmo Marconi the morse code machine was important because it laid the ground work for all broadcasting -
broadcasting started commercially in 1920. early broadcasting was started by using phone lines and it was used for basically the same reasons we ues broadcasting to day . -
Sky writing
the begining of skywriting began around 1919 in England . there was a stunt pilot who started this as a way of finishing his stunts , he always wrote goodnight his name was Art Smith -
The first televsion set was made in 1924 and it mad e a very big impact on the media world to beable to transmit images changed the advertising game quite a bit. -
social media
Social meda had its early beginings with billboard programs and messengers such as Aol . Since then social media has grown into one of the most popular media sources we use today -
Smart phone
the first prototype was built in 1992 and it incorperated pda features with a cell phone . since then smart phones have become tone of the top ways for people to get news or any type of media