30 second to mars' got together for the first time
It was formed by: Jaret leto, he is the lead vocal but he plays the guitar and the keyboard too. His brother, shannon Leto is part of the band too, he plays the percussion. The last band's member is Tomo Milicevic, he plays the guitar, the keyboard and others instrument. This was the started band but after they other member Solon Bixler. -
First Album
Name: 30 Second to mars
Producer: Bob Ezrin
The most soll song: capricorn
It has won a silver CD in the British phonografic industry. The idea of the CD is human struggle. There was a song that was removed because of it was about other thing. -
The most important album
Name: Beautiful Lie
They became famous.
The Kill was the most sold song, in fact they won the best rock video award for this song. It was recorded in 4 continents. The first name of the album was The battle one but at the end Leto decided to change the name and he called it "Beautiful Lie" They said that the video clip of a "Beautiful Lie" is an amazing experience because they went near the North Pole to film it. -
Virgin records
They had problems with their producer because they didn't follow the contract. They decided to change his producer company and Virgins records decided to sue them because they didn't do 3 Cds and they had agree on. Finally they won because in Californica you can finish a contract if you were working more than seven years with a company. -
A BEAUTIFUL LIE earns the MTV GOLD PLAYS Award for being one of the most-played videos on the MTV International Network in 2008/2009.They won it because them Cd was one of the most sold and viewed in VEVO and in MTV hits. -
This is War
This is the third album. They made it in two years. Jared said that This is War is an emotional album beacuse in this period of time they had lot of personal problems. They wanted to involucrate the fans so they did an event for promotion the album and the fans could song. -
The best of the best
This day they won lot of awards they won BEST INTERNATIONAL BAND and BEST ROCK VIDEO. They won it in the MTV awards. Lot of their fans went to the gala because they were sure that 30STM would win many awards. -
The band won Best Single in the 2011 Kerrang. Awards for Hurricane. Hurricane was a song of This is War. But they had a problem with this song becuase when they promotion it the people thought that in the video there were lof of violence and sex and the band had to record the video. -
They were in the Guinnes world records book becuase they were the band who has more than 300 concert only in one of his tour. It was the longest tour that a band has. -
Thrty Seconds to Mars won BEST ALTERNATIVE BAND in the 2011 MTV EMAs. -
Love, Lust, Faith and Dreams
Up in the aire were one of the songs most known about all. It was in the highest positions of the radioes. In this CD the band wanted to change their style and their song had a very good aceptation between the fans. They really like this new album. The album had different part and were relacionated with the name there were part of love, of lust of faith and dreams. -
According to the last interviews with the group, they said that they are going to extract a new disc that is going to call ' You Never Know ' in 2015