First Question: Are epic heroes really heroic?
Yes. Epic heroes are really heroic because they possess bravery and strength and they do heroic deeds and admired for great achievements or affected by grand events. -
Second Question: How are tragic heroes "heroic"?
Tragic heroes are heroic because they have potentially heroic qualities and they mightily struggle against great suffering or conflict that wins our admiration. -
Third Question: What qualities make someone a hero?
Courage, Patience, Selflessness, Caring, and Humility. -
Fourth Question: Are "heroic" qualities make someone a hero?
Yes. Heroic qualities make someone a hero because if a person possesses this qualities it makes him a better person for the people close to him and around him. -
Fifth Question: How can past events affect what may happen at present and in the future?
Past events can greatly affect the present time and future because many people are depending on the history of something or someone that can affect the feelings, emotions, and decisions of someone that results to an outcome in the future. -
Sixth Question: How powerful is respect unifying two opposing sides?
Respect will help opposing sides to listen and understand each other's perspective and have a mutual understanding that will result to a powerful unity.