Started singing in a choir
I've always enjoyed singing so I joined a choir and stayed on and off for about 20 years. After that, I sang sporadically with other choirs but I don't do it any longer. It's too time consuming. -
Started working in FIAC
I had been a student at FIAC and I'd always enjoyed looking in the staff room and listening to all those foreign looking teachers speaking English.
15 years later I came for a job interview in July, I taught a class that Mike Ford observed and I was given the job.
20 years later, I'm still here. -
Christmas in New York
Spending Christmas in New York was awsome. It was cold but not freezing - there was no snow unfortunately except for a few minutes on New Year's Eve. I spent nearly two weeks in the Big Apple. Went to Times Square on New Year's Eve, watched the ball drop and sang along to Frank Sinatra's New York, New York. It was a memorable holiday. -
Moved to my current terraced house
It took us nearly three years to get the house ready (problems with the paperwork) but we finally moved in on September 11th. It was an 80-year-old house so the change, when it was totally finished, was spectacular!!! I love my house!! -
Bought an electric piano
I'd always had a normal piano but it was very old so I decided to get something different. A good electric piano is excellent to be played as entertainment but not very good for learning. I just enjoy sitting at it and playing 5 or 10 minutes on my own or with my kids. My 7-month-old son loves playing, or rather hammering it with his hands. -
First son was born
This is my eldest son. He's just turned three and is a great kid, very intelligent, too (of course, I'm his father, what can I say?). He has been able to count to 30 in English for a couple of months now. He loves doing jigsaw puzzles and eating stuffed olives. -
Back on the bike
Pushing my son's buggy up St Pere street every morning wasn't much fun. So I decided to get a bicycle and fit a child seat on it. My son loves it and is very proud in his green helmet. I quite like it, too. At least I get to work on time, although riding up St Pere street is stil hard for me in the morning. -
Second son was born
My youngest son was born on San Fermín's day. He's 7 months old at the moment. He's a character. He's really good and fun during the day, but he's not so good at night. He often wakes up in the middle of the night so I have to get up with him and play until he's tired and wants to go back to sleep. Having one child is tiring but fun. Having two is exhausting (and fun, too, for about 10 minutes a day).