FR - Fondation du Recueil Lebon
Par des avocats au Conseil
Principe d'exhaustivité -
USA - Wheaton v Peters, 33 U.S. (8 pet) 591 (1834)
Public nature of statutes and court decisions ; no copyright -
UK - First Official Law Reports
Law Reports published by the Special Committee on the Law Reporting System
Selective publishing -
USA - Beginning of West Publishing
Excerpts from the Minnesota SC decisions -
USA - Creation of the National Reporter System
Comprehensive coverage of judicial opinions from all states -
FR - Abandon de l'exhaustivité du Lebon
UK - Rejection of a no-citation rule
Consideration but rejection of a no-citation rule -
FR - Recupération du Lebon par le Conseil d'État
Principe de sélection des décisions -
CAN - Madden v Madden [1947] OWN 746 (HCJ)
Only limitation on the use of unreported cases are cases where no reason for decisions are written, or insufficient reasons, that do not allow understanding -
NZ - Leighton v Hardland & Wolff Ltd 1953 SLT, 34
"The authority of a case depends not upon whether it is to be found in a series of reports but upon the fact that it is a judicial decision" -
FR - Création d'un service spécialisation au Conseil d'État dans la documentation
USA - Judicial Conference of the United States Rep. 11 (1964)
"The judges of the Courts of Appeals and District Courts authorize the publication of only those opinions which are of general precedential value" -
USA - Federal Courts of Appeals's cases count reaches 5771 cases
UK - House of Lords Practice Statement [1966] 3 All ER 77
"While treating former decisions of the House as normally binding, the House proposed to depart from a previous decision when it appears right to do so." -
USA - Launching of Lexis
USA - Federal Courts of Appeals's cases count reaches 10,699 cases
Period: to
CAN - Maritime Law Book tries to reproduce West Publishing's system but fails
Period: to
FR - Création et entretien de la base Juris-Data
Par le Pr. Catala à l'IRETIJ
Base d'abstracts -
USA - Federal Judicial Center Annual Report 1971
"Too many opinions are being printed or published or otherwise disseminated" -
USA - Board of the Federal Judicial Center Recommandation and Report to the April 1972 session of the Judicial Conference of the U.S. on the Publication of Courts of Appeal Opinions
Recommends that the Judicial Conference direct each circuit to review its publication policy so that :
- Opinions will not be published unless ordered by a majority of the panel rendering the decision ;
- Non-published opinions will not cited ;
- When an opinion is not published, the public record shall be completed by publishing the judgment of the Court -
USA - Judicial Conference of the United States Rep. 33 (1972)
Approves the Recommendations of the Board -
USA - Standards for Publication of Judicial Opinions 1973
- If established a new rule ;
- If involves a legal issue of continuing legal interest ;
- If criticizes existing law ;
- If resolves an apparent conflict in the law -
USA - Introduction of Westlaw Database by West Publishing
USA - Lexis database case count
Federal case-law reaches back 51 years for SC ; 31 for Courts of Appeals ; 16 for District Court -
CAN - Creation of SOQUIJ
Public mandate to publish decisions from Quebec's courts -
USA - American Bar Association Commission on Standards of Judicial Administration, Standards relating to Appellate Courts 1977
Same standards as 1973 -
USA - Federal Courts of Appeals's cases count reaches 17,784 cases
Period: to
CAN - Series of law reports go from 32 to over 70
Lack of coordination between the reports -
USA - Circuit's rules in 1978
Disposition by summary order - have, no use (1/7/9/) ; have, use (2/3/5/8/10/Columbia)
Special test for publication - 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/Columbia
Same as standards - 10
No-citation - 1/6/7/8/9/Columbia
No no-citation - 10 (copies)/5/4 (usual circumstance + copies)/3/2 -
Period: to
UK - Rise of Computerized Databases
Period: to
FR - Début des recherches et du stockage plein texte
UK - Lexis Database Regroups over 5000 Unreported Judgments
See R. MUNDAY, "Case law and the computer" -
UK - Roberts Petroleum Ltd. v Bernard Kenny Ltd. [1983] 2. A.C. 192, 200 (H. L.) (Eng)
"The times has come when your Lordships should adopt the practice of declining to allow transcripts of unreported judgments of the Civil Division of the Court of Appeal to be cited on hearing unless leave is given to do so (...). Such leave should only be granted (...) statement of some principles of law, relevant to an issue in the appeal to this House, that is binding on the Court of Appeal and of which the substance (...) is not to be found in one of the (...) reports." (566-8) -
FR - Décret n° 89-940 du 24 octobre 1984 relatif au service public des bases et banques de données numériques
Initiative privée sous contrôle d'une commission
Décisions du CC/CE/CCass/CCptes -
NZ - 6,4% of the decisions of the High Court and Court of Appeals are published
NZ - Memorandum to all Court of Appeal and High Court Associates 1985
System of marking with stickers
- High priority ; red ; warrant definite consideration for inclusion in the NZLR
- Medium priority ; blue ; warrant definite consideration for inclusion in one of the available specialised series of law reports
- Low priority ; green ; some interest for brief reporting but probably do not warrant reporting in a series of law report
- Not recommanded ; yellow ; decide nothing of interest other than to the parties themselves -
USA - Matthew Bender & Co. v West Publishing Co., 158 F. 2d 1219 (8th Cir. 1986)
No copyright protection on pagination system/text of written court decisions -
NZ - Practice Note [1987] 1 NZLR 483
Requires counsel to provide the court with a full copy of any unreported judgment to which counsels refer -
USA - Publication of decisions of SCOTUS
Publication of decisions by SCOTUS to not commercial (= free access) and commercial entities -
FR - Près de 300 décisions sont publiées sur l'année dans le Lebon
USA - Refusal to create a public database by Congress
USA - Legal Information Institute at Cornell University
Free public access to selected primary legal information (project HERMES)
Still a source in 2012 -
USA - Circuit's rules in 1995
No-citation - 9 (not published, not precedent) ; Columbia (possible if biding or preclusive effect when relevant)
Citation disfavored - 4 (except for res judicate/estoppel/law of the case/precedential value to the case/no published/copies)
Limitation of citation - 5 (res judicata/estoppel/law of the case)/8 (same)/10 (same)/ 11 (not published, not precedent, persuasive authority)
Silent - 2/3 -
AUS - Creation of AustLII
Comprehensive publication of all decisions -
UK - Practice Statement (Court of Appeal: Authorities), (1996) 1 W.L.R. 854 (A.C.) (Eng.)
"Leave to cite unreported cases will not usually be granted
unless counsel are able to assure the court that the transcript in
question contains a relevant statement of legal principle not
found in reported authority and that the authority is not cited
because of the phraseology used or as an illustration of the
application of an established legal principle." -
CAN - LexUM starts to publish Supreme Court decisions
FR - Décret n° 96-481 du 31 mai 1996
Abrogation du décret de 1984
Ouverture à des décisions des cours et tribunaux judiciaires -
UK - Practice Statement (Supreme Court: judgments) (1998) 1 W.L.R. 825 (S.C.) (Eng)
Cases must be cited as they appear in the official Law Reports
Extension of Practice Statement 1996 to High Court and Crown Court -
UK - Practice Statement (Court of Appeal (Civil Division)) (1999) 1 W.L.R. 1027 (A.C.) (Eng)
Reiteration of Practice Statement 1996 -
CAN - Federation of Law Societies of Canada launches a committee to established a virtual law library
First step in the creation of CanLII -
FR - Arrêté du 6 juillet 1999 relatif à la création du site internet Légifrance
UK - Creation of BAILII
USA - Anastasoff v U.S. 223 F.3d 898 (8th Cir. 2000)
Challenge of 8th circuit rule that unpublished opinions are not precedent and should not be cited ; rules as unconstitutionnal -
CAN - State of the art in 2000
5 provinces publish their judicial decisions online/free of charge - BC ; Alberta ; Ontario ; Quebec ; Prince-Edward-Island)
The rest relies on traditional, commercial publishing - Saskatchewan ; Manitoba ; Newfoundland ; New Brunswick ; Northwest Territories ; Nunavut
9/24 superior tribunals publish their decision online -
UK - Michaels v Taylor Woodrom Dev. Ltd., [2001] Ch. 493 (Ch. D.) (Eng)
Laddie J. "Now there is no preselection... A poor decision of, say, a court of first instance used to be burried by omission from the reports. Now it may be dug to support a cause of action or defence, which, without its encouragement, might have been allowed to die a quiet death" -
USA - Hart v Massanari 266 F.3d 1155 (9th Cir. 2001)
No-citation rule of the 9th circuit upheld -
USA - West Federal Appendix begins publishing the unpublished opinions of federal appellate courts
USA - Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER)
Website ; federal appellate/district/bankruptcy courts
Not free -
CAN - Loi concernant le cadre juridique des technologies de l'information 2001
Art. 9 - "Des documents sur des supports différents ont la même valeur s'ils comportent la même information, si l'intégrité de chacun d'eux est assuré et s'ils respectent tous deux les règles de droit qui les régissent" -
CAN - Official launching of CanLII
UK - Practice Direction (Citation of authorities) (2001) 1 W.L.R. 1001 (A.C.) (Eng)
Certain decisions (one party only/permission to appeal/only decide if arguable/County Court cases unless to illustrate conventional measure of damages in personal injury case OR demonstrate current authority if no higher decision) "may not in future be cited before any court unless it clearly indicates that it purports to establish a new principle or to extend the present law. (...) That indication must take the form of an express statement to that effect." -
USA - E-Government Act 2002, 44 U.S.C. § 3501
Aims at increasing electronic dissemination -
CAN - Montreal Declaration on Free Access to Law
FR - Décrêt n° 2002-1064 du 7 août 2002 relatif au service public de la diffusion du droit par l'internet
Diffusion des décisions du CC/CE/CCass/TC
Sélection pour la CCptes et toutes les autres juridictions selon des "modalités propres à chaque ordre" -
CAN - CanLII regroups 250,000 decisions
- 1,500/week
CAN - Calgary Statement on Free Access to Legal Information (2005)
FR - Décret n° 2005-13 du 7 janvier 2005
Création d'un service de la documentation et des études à la CCass chargé d'établir une base de données des décisions et avis de la CCass ainsi que de décisions des autres juridictions présentant un intérêt particulier -
USA - Circuit's rules in 2006
No-citation - 4 circuits
Discouraged but allows - 6
Freely allows it - 3 -
AUS - Practice Note 1 2006 14 VR 529
Notification of the use of an unreported decision to opposing counsel and supply of copies
Revoke no-citation rule formely imposed -
USA - Over 80% of federal appellate decisions are unpublished
USA - Advisory Committee of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
"A court may not not prohibit or restrict the citation of judicial opinions, orders, judgments (...) that have been designated as "unpublished"." -
USA - Public.Resourge.Org obtains informations from JURIS Database
Publicly available
All Courts of Appeals since 1950 ; Supreme Court since 1754 -
FR - 167 décisions au Lebon
UK - R v Erskine ; R v Williams [2009] EW CA Crim 1425 ; [2010] 1 All ER 1196
Advocated firm measures against citation of unreported decisions to prevent an "impeding crisis" (§ 74) -
FR - 160 décisions au Lebon
Period: to
FR - 13 arrêts au Lebon
UK - Practice Direction (Citation of authorities) (2012) 1 W.L.R. 780
Cases must be cited as reported in the Official Law Reports OR as in the W.L.R/All ER OR specialist report
"An unreported case should not usually be cited unless it contains a relevant statement of legal principle not found in reported authority" -
CAN - CanLII regroups more than 1M decisions
Courts of appeal from 20 years ; superior courts for 10 to 20 years ; varies for the rest -
CAN - R v Singh 2014 ONCA 293 (Ontario)
While all decisions of this court are binding, care must be taken to avoid reading unwarranted jurisprudential principles into a brief endorsement ; no exclusion/no-citation rule -
CAN - Launching of CanLII connects
Secondary sources (journal) -
CAN - Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce v Berger, 2015 ONSC 7728
Every decision is of the same precedential value -
UK - Keystone Healthcare Ltd v Parr [2019] EW CA Civ 1246 ; [2019] WLR (D) 406
Sanction for no respect of obligation to cite as reported ; for citation of unreported case for propositions that could be found in reported cases
Risk of authorities being disallowed -
CAN - CanLII's coverage
Federal - From 1877 (SC) ; 90s for courts ; 2000s for Commissions ; 90/2010s for tribunals
BC - 90/2017 (CRT)
Alberta - 70/2019
Saskatchewan - 70/2019
Manitoba - 99/2015
Ontario - 83/2019
Quebec - 78/2018
New Brunswick - 90/2008
Nova Scotia - 90/2013
PEI - 93/2005
TN - 85/2019
Yukon - 96/2017
Newfoundlands - 89/2009
Nunavut - 99/2001