Isaac Newton published his book Philosophiae
In his book, time was universal and absolute. -
Theory of magnetism
This theory turned out to be compatible with special relativity, even though special relativity was not known at that time. -
Michelson-Morley experiment
This experiment was performed by Albert Abraham Michelson and Edward Williams Morley. -
Quote by Jules Henri Poincaré
Jules Henri Poincaré said that "... we have no direct intuition about the equality of two time intervals." -
Relativity principle
Poincaré came very close to special relativity: "... as demanded by the relativity principle the observer cannot know whether he is at rest or in absolute motion." -
Poincaré's article
Poincaré's finished an article in which he stated that there seeems to be a general law of Nature, that it is impossible to demonstrate absolute motion. -
Einstein's article
Einstein finished his famous article where he formulated the two postulates of special relativity. Furthermore, in September, Einstein published his article where he derived the formula, E=mc^2. -
Planck's article
Max Planck wrote an artical on special relativity. He was the second person after Einstein who wrote an article about this theory. -
Einstein's paper
Nearly ten years after the foundation of special relativity, Einstein submitted his paper on Field Equations of Gravitation for pubication, which gave the correct field equations for the theory of general relativity.