Theory of Natural Selection

  • Period: to

    Natural Selection Theory Development

  • Charles Darwin is Born

    Charles Darwin is Born
    Darwin was born in England in a town called Shrewsbury.
  • Jean Baptiste Lamarck

    Jean Baptiste Lamarck
    First scientist to propose a theory in which species developed and changed over time.
  • Mary Anning

    Mary Anning
    Fossils recovered by Anning may have also contributed, in part, to the theory of evolution put forth by English naturalist Charles Darwin.
  • MHS Beagle Sets Sail

    MHS Beagle Sets Sail
    The HMS beagle was ship that went on a voyage to 4 continents to investigate the flora and fauna of many different lands. Darwin used the time on the boat to read many other scientists work, which eventually helped him build the theory of natural selection.
  • Darwin visits the Galapagos Islands

    Darwin visits the Galapagos Islands
    Darwin observes and collects data on organisms that he later uses to form the theory of Natural Selection.
  • Darwin first writes about Natural Selection

  • Alfred Russel Wallace

    Alfred Russel Wallace
    Wrote a paper on Natural Selection with Charles Darwin. Unfortunately, he does not get credit as Darwin's book Origin of Species is what is remembered.
  • Darwin Publishes Origin of Species

    Darwin Publishes Origin of Species
    Darwin credited Alfred Russel Wallace with helping to shape the theory of Natural Selection.
  • Rosalind Franklin

    Rosalind Franklin
    Took the first photograph of DNA and show the structure of DNA. Her photo was taken by Watson and Crick to support their theory on the structure of DNA. They got the Nobel prize and she did not.
  • James Watson

    James Watson
    Credited with Francis Crick for the discovery of the structure of DNA. He used the photo from Rosalind Franklin and did not give her equal credit. He received the Nobel Prize for his work.
  • Mary Leaky

    Mary Leaky
    She discovered the first nearly complete human ancestor skull. Her fossil discoveries helped to develop understanding of human evolution.
  • Richard Dawkins

    Richard Dawkins
    He changed Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to give a bigger role to genes. Genes and DNA (genotype) are what give rise to adaptations (phenotypes).
  • Barbara McClintock

    Barbara McClintock
    In her work with chromosomes, she was the first to describe the model for how genes are turned on and off. This explains why some adaptations may occur with changes in the environment.
  • Joseph L. Graves Jr.

    Joseph L. Graves Jr.
    In his book, The Emperor's New Clothes: Biological Theories of Race at the Millennium, he wrote that Darwin's theory of natural selection is free of racism.