Theodore Roosevelt Timeline

  • Birth of Roosevelt

    Birth of Roosevelt
    Theodore Roosevelt was birthed by his mother, Martha Roosevelt, at 28 East 20th Street in Manhattan.
  • First Holding of Office

    First Holding of Office
    Theodore Roosevelt is made president after the assassination of McKinley on Sept. 6th.
  • The Coal Strike of 1902

    The Coal Strike of 1902
    Eastern Pennsylvanian coalminers threaten to go on strike, limiting winter coal supply.
  • Elkins Act Passed

    Elkins Act Passed
    Stops railroads from charging rebates, sets maximum rates for companies.
  • Pelican Island Established

    Pelican Island Established
    Pelican Island is established as the first national wildlife reserve. Creating the National Wildlife Refuge System.
  • Yosemite Becomes Federally-owned

    Yosemite Becomes Federally-owned
    California State gifts Yosemite to the United States federal government.
  • The Pure Food and Drug Act

    The Pure Food and Drug Act
    The government passes over 200 laws, regulating food and drug.
  • Devil's Tower, First National Monument

    Devil's Tower, First National Monument
    Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed the Devil's Tower, as the first national monument.
  • Theodore Roosevelt Leaves Office

    Theodore Roosevelt Leaves Office
    William Howard Taft proceeded Roosevelt with his support, winning the presidency.
  • Period: to

    Roosevelt Goes to Africa

    Theodore and his son, Kermit, ventured to Africa with the Smithsonian, photographing over 11,000+ items.
  • Theodore Roosevelt Loses Election

    Theodore Roosevelt Loses Election
    As nominee of the Bull-Moose party, Roosevelt lost to the Democratic nominee, Woodrow Wilson.