Theo's Timeline of Life Events

  • Period: to

    Theo's Timespan

  • Theo ties his shoes: autonomy vs. shame and doubt

    Theo ties his shoes: autonomy vs. shame and doubt
    Theo (age 3) excitedly runs to his parents because he tied his shoes by himself for the first time! In Erikson's second stage, children are becoming more independent with the patience, guidance, and encouragement from their parents. In this instance, because Theo's parents showed Theo how to tie his shoes by demonstration and then patiently and gradually, and with continued guidance, let him tie his own shoes, he eventually learned the independence and confidence to do so on his own.
  • Theo proposes to Isabelle: Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Theo proposes to Isabelle: Intimacy vs. Isolation
    Theo (age 30) and Isabelle are on a trip to Costa Rica, and Theo takes a moment at the top of a volcano to propose to Katrina after three years together. In Erikson's sixth stage, the crisis is between successfully make conscious choices towards love (intimacy) or choosing to be isolated, alone and depressed (isolation). Theo feels safe, secure, and happy with Katrina, and he feels capable and wants to make a longer-term commitments to her, essentially choosing love (intimacy).
  • Theo and his family volunteer at a soup kitchen: Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Theo and his family volunteer at a soup kitchen: Generativity vs. Stagnation
    Theo (age 47) and his wife want to teach their kids the importance of participating in/giving back to their community. Theo and his family volunteer at a local soup kitchen together. In Erikson's seventh stage of generatively vs. stagnation, the crisis is between being a productive (generative) or an unproductive (stagnation) member of society (having kids, contributing work, community involvement).