Theo's Timeline

  • Theo Takes Her Exams: Industry vs Inferiority

    Theo (aged 10) aced the Common Entrance Exams to be placed in the high school of her choice, after failing the year before. In Erikson's fourth stage of Industry versus Inferiority, the crisis existed when Theo was not being able to attend high school at the same time as her peers had started. A sense of inferiority developed knowing that she was quite capable of acing the exams, as she was just as smart as her friends, yet she was not able to pull through on the exams.
  • What to Do? - Identity vs Role Confusion

    Theo (aged 17) finishes high school and decides to go to college to pursue a degree in Business Administration, after battling with her thoughts on what to do with her life over the past several months. In Erikson's fifth stage of Identity versus Role Confusion, the crisis exists when Theo was indecisive as to what she wanted to do with her life after high school. She struggled with the thoughts of either getting a job after high school or fulfilling a dream of starting her own business.
  • Put A Ring On It - Intimacy vs Isolation

    Put A Ring On It - Intimacy vs Isolation
    Theo (aged 31) finally marries the love of her life. She and Mark have been dating for several years and decided it was way overdue to them to be wed. In Erikson's sixth stage of Intimacy versus Isolation, the crisis existed when Theo was having failed relationships prior to the one she had with Mark. There were times when she felt she was better off being alone and raising her daughter as a single parent. She did experience some lonely days throughout that period.