Drama games

Theatre History Timeline - 2023 LAUNCH

  • Period: 510 BCE to 323 BCE

    Classical Greek Drama

    Greek theatre is a form of drama that began in the 6th century BCE in Athens with the performance of tragedy plays at religious festivals. It consists of a limited number of actors & a chorus an includes works of great playwrights such as Euripides, & Aristophanes. A festival honoring Dionysus was held in Athens, out of which the dramatic genres of tragedy & comedy emerged. The basic structure of a Greek tragedy typically consists of a prologue, the chorus, & alternating spoken & sung sections.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Commedia Dell'arte

    Commedia dell'arte was an early form of theatre that originated in Italy and was popular throughout Europe between the 16th and 18th centuries. It was characterized by masks and improvised performances based on sketches or scenarios. The characters of the commedia represented fixed social types and stock characters, such as foolish old men, devious servants, or military officers of false bravado. The art form was known for its physical comedy, use of pantomime, and the use of lazzos.
  • Period: 1558 to


    Elizabethan Theatre flourished during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England. It witnessed the first professional actors, purpose-built theatres, & the rise of playwrights like William Shakespeare & Christopher Marlowe. The most notable feature of Elizabethan was its flexibility. There was very little scenery, and women's parts were played by boys. The plays covered a wide range of themes, including comedies, romances, histories, & tragedies, & were known for their raucous atmosphere.
  • Melodrama

    Melodrama is a dramatic genre that focuses on sensationalized and exaggerated plots to elicit strong emotional reactions from the audience. It prioritizes the plot over characterization, often featuring stock characters. Melodramas are known for their concentration on the home, addressing morality, family issues, love, and marriage, usually with challenges from a "temptress" or a villain. The genre is characterized by exaggerated conflicts, highly emotional situations, and has a happy ending.
  • Period: to


    Realism was a movement that was very prominent in France and was a reaction to the Romantism movement and historic paintings. It was a way of putting real life on stage and allowing the audience to forget about their own lives for the duration of the production.
  • Period: to


    Expressionism is a protest against the impressionism and academic art in Germany. It is a rejection of realism and, through the piece it becomes a representation of reality in an unobjective way by showing the emotions of the artist. Those who started expressionism in late 1800s saw the industrial revolution as dehumanising. Playwrights used elements such as exaggeration and distortion to portray feelings and strong ideas to the audience.