Theatre History- Festival Theatre

  • Period: 600 BCE to 1500

    Festival Theatre

  • 534 BCE

    First Record Of A Theatrical Event In Athens

    First Record Of A Theatrical Event In Athens
    Was a contest for the best tragedy, a form that originated in Athens. The winner was Thespis. Hence the term "thespian"
  • 500 BCE

    First City Dionysia Festival held in Athens

    First City Dionysia Festival held in Athens
    One of the most important occasions of the year and a major showcase for Athenian wealth and power.
  • 497 BCE

    Sophocles Is Born

    Sophocles Is Born
    Sophocles was born in 497 B.C. He was most famous for Antigone, Electra, and the Oedipus stories. He had eighteen victories at the Great Dionysia, he never placed lower than second.
  • 440 BCE

    Aristophanes Is Born

    Aristophanes Is Born
    Aristophanes, the most famous comedic Greek writer is born. He is best known for his plays Lysistrata or Frogs. Before his death around 380 B.C. he has released at least 44 comedies.
  • 429 BCE

    Oedipus Rex

    Oedipus Rex
    Oedipus Rex, one of the most influential play writes is believed to be performed. This is a play about a man who unknowingly kills his father and marries his own mother. Hence the term "Oedipus Complex." The "Oedipus Complex" refers to the complex of emotions aroused in a young child, typically around the age of four, by an unconscious sexual desire for the parent of the opposite sex and wish to exclude the parent of the same sex.
  • 205 BCE

    Plautus and Terrence mark zenith of Roman drama

    Plautus and Terrence mark zenith of Roman drama
    Plautus and Terrence were some of the most influential writers of the Roman Drama era of theatre. Some of their most notable plays would be Amphitruo or Casina by Plautus or Andria and Hecyra by Terrence
  • 970

    Quem quareitis trope

    Quem quareitis trope
    "Quem quareitis" translates to "Whom do you seek." This was one of the earliest liturgical dramas, followed by a long line of dramas.
  • 1349

    Festival of Corpus Christi

    Festival of Corpus Christi
    The Feast of Corpus Christi, also known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. Originating from the Roman Catholic Church honoring Jesus Christ. This was instituted in 1264 by Pope Urban IV
  • 1469

    Pierre Patelin, the most notable Farce is released

    Pierre Patelin, the most notable Farce is released
    A Farce is a form of comic secular drama. Although the original author cannot be identified, this play was still very popular in its day. The play focuses on dishonesty and "the deceiver being deceived."
  • 1500

    The most famous morality play release, Everyman

    The most famous morality play release, Everyman
    Everyman is a medieval morality play that details the life and death of the Everyman, who embodies all of humanity. The most common theme being remembering one's morality, the play focuses on a journey towards death, and its inevitability.