The Youngest Edwards birdy

  • The day I was born

    The day  I was born
    7Ibs 9 ounces born at st. mary's hospital
  • Beyonce's birthday

    Beyonce's  birthday
  • Started moving like crawling and walking

    Started moving like crawling and walking
  • I got a bunny

    I got a bunny
  • My dad got sick and spent a lot of time in the hospital

    My dad got sick and spent a lot of time in the hospital
  • my mom got me a puppy after my dad died

    my mom got me a puppy after my dad died
  • Stopped going to Pre-k

    Stopped going to Pre-k
  • Preparing to switch schools

    Preparing to switch schools
  • Started first grade at a different school

    Started first grade at a different school
  • Brother started high school

    Brother started high school
  • Moved to a temporary home

    Moved to a temporary home
  • Moved to current home

  • Started 5th grade at a new school

    Started 5th grade at a new school
  • COVID happened

    COVID happened
  • My dog died

  • Got a new dog

    Got a new dog
  • Roe V. Wade Overturned

    Roe V. Wade Overturned
  • Sophomore year

    Sophomore year
  • Me and my boyfriend started dating!!!!

    Me and my boyfriend started dating!!!!
  • Turned 16 and finished drivers training

    Turned 16 and finished drivers training
  • Palastine and Israel war

    Palastine and Israel war