
The Year of the Global Pandemic

  • Joy & Ensley take on Vegas

    Joy & Ensley take on Vegas
    Joy and Ensley had planned a vacation to Las Vegas and AZ to visit Ensley's grandparents. Little did they know they would come home to being quarantined and no job to return to for the time being.
  • Restaurants Reopen

    Restaurants Reopen
    Ensley returned to work at the restaurant she had been employed at for quite some time prior to the shutdown. Business was very slow, and tips were not that great.
  • Ensley Road Trips

    Ensley Road Trips
    Ensley and a close friend (her dog too) road tripped to Portland, Oregon to visit close family and friends for a month prior to school starting. Life was much different there than previously. Masks, sanitizer, and a LOT of social distancing
  • School Starts

    School Starts
    Classes resume for college. Everything is different. Masks are required for in class attendance. Many students attend virtually.
  • The Holidays

    The Holidays
    The holidays are approaching, and again, nothing is the same. No crazy Black Friday lines and no huge family gatherings. Everyone is doing their best to stay healthy and protect their loved ones.