The Wonderful Life of Riley

  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    A category 4 hurricane that passed through Southeast Louisiana.
  • My Brother was Born!

    My Brother was Born!
    My brother, Brady, was born on May 12, 2006!
  • I started Preschool

    I started Preschool
    I started preschool when I was 4 years old at Jenison Christian School.
  • My Sister was born!

    My Sister was born!
    My sister, Tayler, was born on September 13, 2007
  • Barack Obama was Elected

    Barack Obama was Elected
  • First Move

    First Move
  • Boston Marathon Bombings

    Boston Marathon Bombings
    The bombings began at 2:49 pm on April 15, 2013
  • Grandma Passed Away

    Grandma Passed Away
    My Grandma passed away on June 9, 2014.
  • Covid

  • Donald Trump was elected

    Donald Trump was elected