The Women Who Shaped The World

  • Birth

    July 27th, 1768 the birth of Charlotte Corday.
  • Charlotte Corday

    Charlotte Corday is sent to a convent in Caen, where she reads Enlightenment philosophers and becomes a republican.
  • Normandy

    Charlotte Corday moves to Normandy in 1782 with her sister.
  • Death of Mother and Sister

    Death of Mother and Sister
    In April 1782 Charlotte Corday's mother and eldest sister passed away
  • Kings Death

    On January 21st, 1793
  • Parade

    On July 7th, Caen held a military parade as a defiant show of force against the Jacobins.
  • Assassination

    Charlotte assassinated radical activist Jean-Paul Marat in his bathtub on July 13th 1793
  • Note

    On July 16th Charlotte Corday wrote a note about how she felt quoting "Crime is a shame, not the scaffold"!
  • Last Words

    In her final moments, Charlotte Corday says "Doulcet Pontécoulant"
  • Death

    July 17th, 1793 Charlotte Corday was slayed by the guillotine after the assassination of Paul Marat