The Western European Front 1942-1945

  • Battle of Great Britian

    Battle of Great Britian
    Most of Europe and France had already been conquered by Germany with Great Britain, the only country left to attack them. Germany attacked Great Britain's Royal Air Force in order to invade the country. Germany kept bombing airport runways and British radar however, the British kept fighting back. This led to Germany bombing London yet again, Great Britain's RAF kept attacking and destroying German planes. Soon after that Germany stopped bombing London to go bomb Russia.
  • "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas"

    "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas"
    Irving Berlin, a Russian Jew served on the U.S. infantry and wrote the famous Christmas carol that helped brighten the spirts of the troops fighting in WWll.
  • Operation Overload

    Operation Overload
    Massive invasion of Europe that consisted a total of 3 million men, moved by 6,000 ships, with coverage of 5,000 fighter planes. The troops landed on the beach of Normandy to trick the Germans. The Allies gradually expanded and captured the port at Cherbourg on June 26 and the city of Caen on July 21. By August 25, the Germans retreated and on August 30, Operation Overload came to a successful end.
  • Let Our Hearts be Stout

    Let Our Hearts be Stout
    President Roosevelt awaited word of the invasion of Operation Overload back in the White House. President Roosevelt had turned the speech he had into a prayer that he would deliver once the invasion began. By 3 a.m. through radio he asked the nation to join him in prayer.
  • Market Garden

    Market Garden
    The operation: Market Garden consisted of 3 Allied airborne divisions dropping into Holland and securing territory and bridges in and around the towns of Eindhoven, Nijmegen, and Arnhem. But, after the first airborne Reconnaissance landed they realized there were more German troops in the area than anticipated. By the time the second parachute battalion dropped in, German tanks were ready in position to attack. By the end of the month Operation Market Garden was a failure.
  • The Flooding of Walcheren, Holland

    The Flooding of Walcheren, Holland
    The Us 3rd Army attacks and captures Metz while the RAF dropped 247 bombs on Westkapelle dyke on the island of Walcheren, Holland. Thousands of acres of land was flooded by the sea and over a hundred yards of the dyke was demolished.
  • Battle of the Polders

    Battle of the Polders
    Since they got access to the port of Antwerp and the Germans had evacuated Dutch, there was only one division left, the small port of Breskens. Through mud and water the Canadian II Corps attacked Bresken's for a small port south of Flushing. The Canadians were able to set up two small bridgeheads north of the Leopold Canal. Germans reacted violently and forced Canadians to send reinforcements to the bridgeheads they won.
  • Expiration of the Ultimatum

    Expiration of the Ultimatum
    By capturing Bardenberg, the 30th Division was able to open up the way north in the direction of Wurselen. Because the ultimatum sent by the American 1st Division to the Germans expired, air and artillery bombardment continued.
  • Generals' Conference in Brussels

    Generals' Conference in Brussels
    Eisenhower describes his plans at a generals' conference in Brussels about his plans for future operations on the Western Front. Where the 21st Army groups and the Canadian 1st Army would concentrate on the liberation of the port of Antwerp.
  • German Surrenders Aachen

    German Surrenders Aachen
    At about 12:05 p.m., German surrenders Aachen. The city was reduced to a pile of rubble and the Germans could not justify for the continuous sacrifice of human lives.
  • Operation Queen

    Operation Queen
    The US 9th and 1st Armies planned on crossing the Rur river to push through to the Rhine. However, they knew that once the opened the floodgates then the river would be impassable. So, the US Armies withdrew as the Germans opened up the Rur Dam Schwammenauel which held back the US Army for two weeks.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    It was the largest, bloodiest battle fought on the Western Fort in Europe during WWll and by the US army. Hitler wanted to break through the Allies' line in order to recapture the port of Antwerp, Belgium. However, the American troops were already in the town awaiting Nazi forces. So the Nazi encircled the U.S.A. troops. On January 16, 1945, the General Patton's troops pushed through the Nazi lines and rescued the U.S.A. troops where the battle ended.
  • Operation Blackcock

    Operation Blackcock
    Purpose was to eliminate German troops from Maas to the Roermond line. During the first phase half of the Roermond Triangle also known as the German salient was destroyed as the other half retreated to Montfort. By January 22, British tanks came in to finish the jobs when a tank was hit and engulfed in flames.